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Everything posted by thaifootfetisch

  1. How far does one have to go to find the nearest beach that is clean without having to book a flight to the islands down south? Cheers TFF
  2. 1) Buy a good Android phone supported by Lineage (check: https://download.lineageos.org/) 2) Install Lineage from https://download.lineageos.org 3) Install only free and open source anti-police state software from free and open source software repositories like fdroid: https://f-droid.org/en/ Recommended apps: https://prism-break.org/en/categories/android/ Use signal for calling: https://signal.org/ Don't use Line if you don#t have to: Line is a proprietary Korean software that tracks everything you do, like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Cheers TFF
  3. The Thai are really smart with how they have money enter the country without loosing jobs.
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