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Posts posted by z34

  1. Herbby is right, I doubled checked my 30 day extensions that I purchased at immigration and the new 30 days starts on the day you receive that visa. So if your current one expires on April 2 and you go to immigration for an extension on March 31, your new 30 days will begin on March 31. For your second question, all Thai immigration cares about is that you don't overstay your visa. Each day of overstay is about 500 baht a day I think. 

  2. Is it to early to think about November 2018?  I don't think so when you have to plan a trip a head of time.  My dates are flexible but I am leaning towards the middle to late part of the month.  Thinking about 8-12 days not quite sure yet.  Can't wait for the fun to begin!


    I don't think it's early.. I'm already thinking about January 2019.. lol

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